LOT 1: Rare! First Time Auctioned - in an Ancient Letaher Binding with Buckles: Chovot Halevavot, the Important Mussar Book - Early Edition Crakow, 1593. Sefer Chovot Halevavot, an important Mussar book, "by the great Rav the Chassid Rabbeinu Behaye, the Spanish Dayan, Ben Yosef, authored in Arabic and ...
LOT 2: Fine Copy: Sfer Lechem Shlomo by Rabbi Shlomo Lebeit Halevi - First Edition in the Author's LIfetime. Venice, 1597. Sefer Lechem Shlomo, "which is a short elucidation on scattered Mamarim of the Gemore and Midrashim... and contains some Chidushim and Pshatim...". The work of "Reish Metivta ...
LOT 3: Sefer Imrei Shefer Sermons by Rabbi Naftali Ashkenazi of Safed - First Edition in the Author's Lifetime - Venice, 1601. Sefer Imrei Shefer, "authored by the sage Rabbi Naftali Ashkenazi of Safed... elucidating Ma'marei Chazal, and fine Pshatim... Likutim of some verses... Sefer Drush on several ...
LOT 4: Rare! The Dispute between Rabbi Chaim, the Maharal's Brother and Rabbeinu the Rema: Viku'ach Mayim Chaim - First Edition, Amsterdam 1712. Fine Copy. Sefer Viku'ach Mayim Chaim "about the elucidation on the application of Dinei Issur and Heiter, and Hasagot on [the book] Torat Chatat by the Gaon ...
LOT 5: With the Musical Notes that Inspired the Niggun Lechatchilah Ariber: Hon Ashir by Rabbi Emmanuel Chai Ricci the Mishnat Chassidim - First Edition Amsterdam, 1731 Interesting Signatures. Sefer Hon Ashir, "commentaries and Chidushim on Shisha Sidrei Mishnah...written in Safed by the great Rav in ...
LOT 6: Fine Copy in an Ancient Leather-Covered Wooden Binding: Volume with Two Sections of the Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat with an Approbation by the Pnei Yehoshua - Hamburg, 1742. "ונתת אל חשן המשפט את האורים ואת התומים..." - Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat with the famed commentators, Sefer Me'irat ...
LOT 7: Rare! Sefer Adnei Paz - First and Single Edition Altona, 1743. Sefer Adnei Paz, Chidushim on Orach Chaim, and second section of Sefer Livyat Chen, on the Sugyot of the Shas, by the Gaon Rabbi Ephraim ben Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil Heksher, Dayan of Altona and Hamburg. First and single edition - Altona ...
LOT 8: Extremely Rare! Fine Copy, Pocket Format, in an Original Binding: Sefer Emunat Yisrael - First Edition Amsterdam, 1764 with Rare Prayers . Sefer Emunat Yisrael, "elucidating thirteen principles of the Jeiwsh religion divided into three Amudim. Amud HaEmunah, Amud HaAvodah and Amud HaTorah. Torah ...
LOT 9: Rare! At the Same Printing House and in the Same Year of Printing as the First Noam Elimelech: Sefat Emet Masechet Mishleu with a Commentary by the Maggid of Kremnitz - Lemberg, 1788. Sefer Sefat Emet, Sefer Mishlei with Rashi's commentary and the work Sefat Emet by Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael ben ...
LOT 10: Rare! First Time in Auctions: Emek Habaca Eulogy for Rabbeinu the Noda BiYehuda Published in the Year of His Passing - Single Edition Prague, 1793. "Emek Habacha, eulogy for Rabbeinu... Rabbi Yechezkel Segal Landau Av Beit Din and Ram of our community author of Sefer Noda BiYehuda and Sifrei ...
LOT 11: Rare - the Only Copy in the World! Unique and Interesting Work: Sefer Moreh Derech - Single Edition Lithograph Galicia? 1892. Sefer Moreh Derech, a unique and interesting work which due to its small size had vanished into oblivion and apparently, due to it being a lithograph, had only a limited ...
LOT 12: "My Friend the Rav Zvi Av Beit Din of Liska" First Edition of Sefer Apiryon, the Work on the Torah by Rabbeinu Shlomo Ganzfried the Author of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch - Ungvar, 1864 with Unknown Covers. Sefer Apiryon, "on Seder HaTorah authored by me the young Shlomo Ganzfried... to elucidate ...
LOT 13: Complete Set of Chamisha Chumshei Torah with an Approbation by Rabbeinu the Pnei Yehoshua - Frankfurt an Der Oder, 1746. Set of 5 volumes of "Chamisha Chumshei Torah, with 3 Targumim and Chamesh Megillot and Haftarot(!) and with nice commentaries..." The Press of Dr. and Prof. Grilla, Frankfurt ...
LOT 14: Rare! First Time in Auctions: Chumash Tikkun Sofrim with Devek Tov and Sefer Hachinuch - Amsterdam, 1767. Copy of Rabbi Akiva Eiger's Disciple. Chumash Tikkun Sofrim, with the Onkelos translation and Rashi's commentary, sefer Devek Tov by Rabbi Shimon Ashenburg of Frankfurt, Sefer Hachinuch with ...
LOT 15: Complete Set in an Ancient Leather Binding: Tikkun Sofrim Hayesharim with Completions in Beautiful Artistic Script and Handwritten Numbering of the Words and Letters of the Torah - First Edition of Sefer Divrei Emet Amsterdam, 1767. Tikkun Sofrim Hayesharim with the first edition of Sefer Divrei ...
LOT 16: Rare! Complete Set of Chamisha Chumshei Torah - Venice, 1802. "Sefer... Chamisha Chumshei Torah... after the Parashiyot we put the readings of the Maftir [for special Sabbaths and the Moadim]... belonging to this section. They are followed by the Hafatrot according to the custom of all sacred ...
LOT 17: Sefer Shut HaRadbaz Section I - Sefer Yesod First Edition Venice, 1749 - Handwritten Glosses and Notations. Sefer Shut by Rabbi David ben Zimra (the Radbaz), Section I. With the Tshuvot Leleshonot HaRambam. Venice, 1749. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod 281. [2], 129 leaves. Moth perforations and ...
LOT 18: Sefer Yesod: Mirkevet Hamishneh by Rabbi Shlomo of Chelm - First Edition Frankfurt an der Oder, 1750. Sefer Mirkevet Hamishneh, Chidushim on the Rambam, and especially to settle the Hasagot of Rabbeinu the Ravad. The famed Sefer Yesod by Rabbi Shlomo Ashkenazi Rappaport of Chelm, known after ...
LOT 19: Sefer Yesod in an Original Binding! Meshech Chochmah by the Gaon of Dvinsk - First Edition Riga, 1927. Sefer Meshech Chochmah "elucidation and commentary, ideas and Drushim, comments and Chidushim on Chamisha Chumshei Torah - authored by the will of Avinu Shebashamayim" by the Gaon Rabbi Meir ...
LOT 20: Sefer Yesod in an Original Binding: Chidushei Rabbi Chaim Halevi (Brisk) - First Edition Brisk, 1936 Fine Copy. Chidushei Rabbi Chaim Halevi "Chidushim and commentary on the Rambam" by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Halevi Soloveitchik Av Beit Din of Brisk. A scholarly, groundbreaking book which would ...
LOT 21: Rare! With the Author's Dedication: Habikurim Vehare'ayon - Jerusalem, 1879. Habikurim Vehare'ayon, compilation of reviews of several works in Jewish studies, penned by Rabbi David Shifman, Dayan and Moreh Tzeddek of Tiberius. This work was the first of its kind to be published in Eretz Yisrael ...
LOT 22: Rare and Valuable Collection of 8 Books by the Wondrous Gaon Rabbi David Hacohen of Vilna with the Author's Dedications to the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Berlin - Jerusalem 1878-1884. Volume with a rare and special collection of 8 books, some of which were never auctioned, by the wondrous Gaon Rabbi David ...
LOT 23: Extremely Rare! Most of the Booklets Published Including the First Rare Issues: Cheshbon Beit Hacholim Misgav Ladach - Jerusalem, 1889-1938. "Sefer Cheshbon Chevrat Bikkur Cholim Misgav Ladach and its activity in the past year..." Statement booklets of the mythological hospital of Jerusalem ...
LOT 24: Rare! All the Booklets that were Published - Some of Them Bibliographically Unknown: Hamoreh Litzdakkah Lekollel Adat Haspharadim - Jerusalem, 1891-1904 . Sefer Hamoreh Litzdakkah, "introducing the income and expense and the activities of the Kollelot of the Sephardic community of Jerusalem". ...
LOT 25: Collection of Rare Journals and Publications of the Agudat Yisrael Movement and the Beit Yaakov Movement - Europe / Israel - 1920 and Onwards. 1.Agudateinu published by the office of the center of Agudat Shlomei Emunei Yisrael in Poland, Warsaw, Tevet 1921. Review of the activity of Agudat ...
LOT 26: Signature and Gloss by the Gaon Rabbi Massud Bonan - the Shadar that Met with Rabbi Yehontan Eibeschitz: Sefer Maharsha and Sefer Maharshal on the Entire Shas - Amsterdam, 1755. "Sefer Maharsha Chidushei Halachot authored by the Gaon... Rabbi Shmuel Eidels and Sefer Maharshal Chochmat Shlomo ...
LOT 27: Rare and Special Historical Item! The Original Chumash on which Jews Swore in the Court of Prague with the Handwritten Signature of the Rosh Av Beit Din of Prague the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Fleckles: Chamisha Chumshei Torah - Wien, 1804. Chamisha Chumshei Torah, "with the Onkelos translation and ...
LOT 28: Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Yonah Segal Landau of Kempno and His Son Rabbi Yosef Shmuel: the Mussar Books Se'ah Solet, Marpeh Lanefesh and Orach Chaim - Amsterdam, 1757. Sefer Se'ah Solet, Marpeh Lanefesh and Orach Chaim, Mussar books by Rabbi Raphael ben Gabriel Norzi. "Printed for the ...
LOT 29: Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Löw: Shut Parshat Mordechai by Rabbi Mordechai Bennett. First edition, Sighet 1888. Shut Parshat Mordechai, on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbi Mordechai Bennett, who was Av Beit Din of Nikolsburg…edited by his grandson Avraham Yitzchak Glick, Av ...
LOT 30: Signature of the Forgotten Gaon of Vietzen and More from the City of Torah Pressburg: Eshel Avraham with the Ohel Moshe Glosses by Rabbi Avraham and Rabbi Moshe Broda - First Edition Frankfurt am Main, 1747. Sefer Eshel Avraham, the book of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Broda the Rosh Yeshiva of Prague ...
LOT 31: Sefer Yesod Signed by Rabbi Shmuel Salant Mara DeAra DeYisrael: Two Sections of Sefer Beit Yaakov by Rabbi Yaakov of Lissa - First Edition Harobashov, 1822. Two Sections of Sefer Beit Yaakov, the famed and fundamental work on the Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer and Masechet Ketubot by Rabbi Yaakov ...
LOT 32: Gloss Handwritten by Rabbeinu the Yavetz on His Book She'ilat Yavetz - First Edition Altona, 1739 Fine Copy Ancient Signatures. Sefer She'ilat Yavetz, "Bedalet Amot shel Halacha Berurah... She'elat Chacham Chatzi Teshuvah...". The first section of the Shut book by Rabbeinu the Gaon Rabbi ...
LOT 33: Discovery! Hundreds of Glosses Referring to Ashkenazic Customs and Additional Fascinating Content: Maginei Eretz (Shulchan Aruch) First Edition of Even HaOzer Fine Copy - Amsterdam, 1754. Amal Torah! The book contains dozens of comments, corrections and glosses, some of them lengthy and ...
LOT 34: Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Fischer Av Beit Din of Karlsburg and Additional Signatures: Sefer Sha'arei Chochmah Shev Shema'tata by the Author of the Shemen Roke'ach - First Edition. Prague, 1807. Sefer Sha'arei Chochmah, Klalei HaShas and Drushim (titled Sha'arei Yirah) by the Gaon Rabbi ...
LOT 35: Sefer Torah on Vellum, Sephardic Beit Yosef Script - North Africa, Late 19th Century. Sefer Torah, scribal script on vellum, fine uniform script matching North Africa (apparently Morocco) approx. 150 years ago. Height of vellum: 54 cm. Height of script: 41 cm. 51 lines. Without Vavei HaAmudim. ...
LOT 36: Ashkenazic Sefer Torah Handwritten by a Scribe on Vellum Chassidic Ari Script Rolled on Atzei Chaim - Eastern Europe, Early 20th Century . Sefer Torah handwritten by a scribe on vellum - Ashkenazic Ari script. Bright vellum. MOstly unifor script throughout the scroll. Eastern Europe, early 20th ...
LOT 37: Collection of Leaves from a Binding Genizah of Talmud Bavli Rambam and More - 13th Century and Onward. Collection of leaves taken from binding Genizahs, with important and rare leaves from the 13th/14th century and onward. The leaves contain the following: - 4 part-pages of Masechet Sanhedrin ...
LOT 38: Collection of Leaves from a Binding Genizah, Parts of Letters and More with Signatures of the Mantzura Family Mari Shalom and Mari Saadya and References to Them - Sanaa, Yemen the 19th Century . Approx. 40 partial handwritten leaves containing passages of Taj and varied Kitvei Kodesh, letter ...
LOT 39: Manuscript Tiklal for Moadim and Yamim Noraim - Yemen, 1847. Manuscript handwritten by a scribe, Tiklal for Moadim and Yamim Noraim. The script matches Yemen in the 19th century. The manuscript contains Selichot (titled "Rachamim") beginning with the Piyyut Darkei Shiva Ro'im, Hoshanot for ...
LOT 40: Manuscript Hagaddah shel Pesach with a Judeo-Arabic Translation - Baghdad, 1828. Fine manuscript, Haggadah shel Pesach, orderly, ornate Oriental sccript, matching that of the Jews of Baghdad, with a Sercah - Judeo-Arabic translation according to the custom of the Jews of Iraq. The version of the ...
LOT 41: Wonderful museum-worthy item: Large, handsome manuscript for a hazan of a synagogue. Austria 1839. A large and impressive manuscript with various prayers, a colored cover with a dedication "This is the gateway to the Lord, the righteous will come in it, this booklet is generously donated ... ...
LOT 42: Rare! Large Leaf Handwritten and Signed by the Mekubal Rabbi Shaul Dweik Hasadeh with Kavanot Rosh Hashana from the Torah of His Rav Rabbi Nissim Harari Raful. Large leaf handwritten on one of its sides by the Mekubal Rabbi Chaim Shaul Hacohen Dweik (the Rav the Sadeh), with Chidushei Torah from ...
LOT 43: Rare! Author's Autograph: a Leaf from His Famed Book KafHachaim Handwritten by Rabbeinu Yaakov Chaim Sofer and with His Fingreprints, in an Impressive Leather Binding. אנא נפשי כתבית! Exciting! A leaf from the famed Sefer Yesod, Kaf Hachaim, by the Gaon and Mekubal Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer ...
LOT 44: Handmade Shiviti and Menorah-Shaped Lamenatze'ach Decorated with Color Ink on Paper - Baghdad, Iraq, the First Half of the 19th Century. Shiviti amulet, with Shemot Kodesh, Menorah-shaped Lamenatze'ach and initials of the Piyyut Ana Beko'ach. Fine scribal script, ink on paper, with fine color ...
LOT 45: Rare! Couple of Ancient Printed Amulets for the Birthing Mother of a Son and of a Daughter - Ashkenaz / Sulzbach, 1800?. Couple of ancient printed amulets from ca. 1800, for protecting the birthing mother: 1. Of a son. With 3 lines in Hebrew Teitch in Tzor [Tzena Urena] letters. Description ...
LOT 46: Extremely Rare! The Polemic of the Rabbis of London and the Peacemaking by Chacham Zvi: Ma'asseh Rav - Single Edition. London, 1707. Sefer Ma'asseh Rav, written and edited by Rabbi Yochanan of Holeshov (Holleschau). Single edition, apparently printed in London - 1707. [1], 13 leaves. 19 cm. ...
LOT 47: Rare! Polemic against Christianity: Hoda'at Baal Din - First Edition Frankfurt am Main, 1866 Fascinating Historical Chapter. Sefer Hoda'at Baal Din, two sections, against Christianity, authored by Don David Nassi. First edition. Frankfurt am Main - 1866. 32 pp. Stains and minor blemishes. Good ...
LOT 48: Rare! The Shocking Polemic against the Nesi'ut of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon Ittinga at the Chibat Yerushalayim Kollel: Igeret Bikoret Ufetach Teshuvah - Single Edition Lemberg, 1877. Booklet, "Igeret Bikoret Ufetach Teshuvah for evil men who rattled the land with their lies... and I have ...
LOT 49: Rare - Never Auctioned: Extraordinary Polemic! Matzat Mitzvah VeAlilat Dam - Pressburg, 1883. "Matzat Mitzvah VeAlilat Dam, its content: blood libel! What did our rabbis do? What did our intellectuals do? and how can Israel be saved. By Michael Levi Rodkinson". The Press of David Levi and ...
LOT 50: Facsimiles of Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library - Oxford, 1886. Facsimiles of Hebrew manuscripts in the Bodleian Library illustrating the various forms of rabbinical characters. with transcriptions by Adolf Neubauer. Oxford 1886.Portfolio in a thick binding with 40 plates of facsimiles ...
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